GERMANYrobert2020-12-09T11:23:03+01:00 Project Description PEOPLE Traveling brings us in touch with so much different people and ways to live.There is not much diference and I feel I could live in so many places after geting used to the enviroment. MORE FROM THE AVADA COLLECTIONrobert2020-12-11T16:50:28+01:00 TIBET TIBETrobert2020-12-09T10:48:44+01:00 INDIA INDIArobert2020-12-09T10:50:41+01:00 ITALY ITALYrobert2020-12-09T10:53:40+01:00 SPAIN SPAINrobert2020-12-09T10:54:48+01:00 CHINA CHINA